Creating a personal childhood web was an emotional assignment for me. There were many rough times for me throughout my early childhood. My parents were young parents and divorced when I was four. As I began to think about the five people who made the most impact on my life, I answered the same two people five times (my grandmother and grandfather). As I continued to think about my childhood, I can recall others that impacted my life as well.
Number 1: Grandmother (June Burris)
I could never express in words exactly what my grandmother means to me. What I can tell you is that without her I would not be the person, mother, wife, or teacher that I am today. She gave me security when there was very little stability in my life. She gave me hope when there was very little to be hopeful about. She made me feel proud of myself when I did not realize that I did something to be proud of. She taught me how to be strong when my world was crumbling. She was my mother, grandmother, counselor, supporter, caregiver, teacher, mentor, and anything else that I needed. I owe her the world for the devotion and love that she gave to me and for the wisdom and values that she instilled in me. She will never truly know how much she means to me.
Number 2: Grandfather (Bill Burris)
My grandfather was the person who made me smile when I was down. He would spend countless hours playing with me. He made me feel safe and loved. He was the only person that I let brush my long hair because he was patient and tender. He tried to give me the experiences that he thought all children deserved. I am thankful that he was there to create positive childhood memories with me. Because of my grandparents, I knew that I could achieve whatever I wanted in life.
Number 3: My aunt (Cindi)
I was at my grandparents house so often that my aunt was more like an older sister to me. Even though she was a teenager when I was a little girl she would spend an incredible amount of time with me. She would take me places, show me how to do things, and was a great role model. I remember going to her high school cheerleading practices and games so often that I became the team's little mascot. Many of the goals that she accomplished in life, I also went on to do the same. She was the first person who made education important to me. She would always say, "No matter what you want to be in life, just promise me that you will go to college." As I grew up and she got married, it meant the world to me when she asked me to be the maid-of-honor in her wedding.
Number 4: Mrs. Baker
Mrs. Baker was my fifth grade teacher. She was a caring teacher who made me feel confident in my abilities as a student. She believed in me and made my school experience such a positive one. This is the year that I decided I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to impact the lives of children the way that she impacted mine. She inspired me to be a great student, to get a college degree, and to be the best teacher that I could be. Ironically, after she attended my college graduation, the next school year I went on to take over her very classroom because she retired after 34 years of teaching. Now, I am still teaching in the classroom that belonged to my fifth grade teacher.
Number 5: Lauren Miner
Lauren has been my best friend off and on throughout my entire life. We were in the same 2nd and 4th grade classes. She had a great family that was very stable and loving. I learned many family values from watching her family. Lauren never judged me because of where I lived or the things that I did not have. She was my friend because she liked me for who I was. We created a friendship that many people never experience. I am thankful for the times we shared and the many times that her family opened their home and their hearts to me.
After thinking about the people who impacted my childhood web, I began to think about the people who have impacted my adulthood web. It is amazing to think about how many people come into our lives and the many ways they inspire, challenge, and influence who we become.